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2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes)

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2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes) Empty 2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes)

Message  Invité Sam 8 Nov - 15:56

Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours

By K. Mar Hauksson on Nov 7, 2008 in Finance and Business, Iceland, International, MBL, Politics, United Kingdom

In a Interview to the online media the Icelandic prime minster Geir H. Haarde said that unprocessed loans from other countries are stopping the IMF finalising its loan to Iceland, not political pressure from other EU countries.

According to news there have been rumours that the IMF is being pressured by some EU nations to not process the loan until Iceland has agreed to the terms made by the UK and the Netherlands in regards to the Icesave accounts.

“I do not believe that the IMF will be used in such political way,” said Haarde. “And if true, you will need to tell me twice before I believe it“.

“We would rather cancel the IMF loan than be treated like that. Iceland needs help but we will not be black mailed.“

“The conflict between the UK and Iceland is unsolved and is one of the worst crisis between countries that Iceland has had to deal with in my memory and it’s really frustrating that the nation has been put into this hardship because of the actions of a private company,“ said the prime minister. “There is a big gap between the two countries in regards of how much accountability Iceland should be taking on in this case.“

When asked about the funds put into the Icesave accounts this week by the UK government and the announcement of Alistair Darling that UK had loaned Iceland money, the Icelandic prime minister said: “Iceland has not agreed to any loans and will not under these conditions. We will need to have a mutual agreement on it or solve it through the EU judicial system”.

“We have been a member of the IMF for some 63 years and have the same rights as other nations to be heard and dealt with in a just manner.”

“If we do not get the loan from the IMF Iceland will not be bankrupt, Iceland has always paid its debts and will keep on doing so,” he said.

Dernière édition par petitpas le Dim 9 Nov - 19:12, édité 1 fois


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2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes) Empty Re: 2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes)

Message  JL Sam 8 Nov - 20:03

Citation du 7 novembre 2008 :
petitpas a écrit:..., the Icelandic prime minister said: “(...)Iceland will not be bankrupt, Iceland has always paid its debts and will keep on doing so,”
Traduction :
..., le premier ministre islandais a dit: “(...)L'Islande ne sera pas en faillite; l'Islande a toujours payé ses dettes et elle continuera à le faire,”
Qu'en dit notre monsieur Leterme à qui le premier ministre islandais a promis le remboursement des 230 millions d'euros il y a 3 semaines ? Mad



Nombre de messages : 48
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2008

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2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes) Empty Le PM islandais: "L'islande a toujours payé ses dettes et continuera à le faire"

Message  fredka Dim 9 Nov - 2:53

petitpas a écrit:

Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours

By K. Mar Hauksson on Nov 7, 2008 in Finance and Business, Iceland, International, MBL, Politics, United Kingdom

In a Interview to the online media the Icelandic prime minster Geir H. Haarde said that unprocessed loans from other countries are stopping the IMF finalising its loan to Iceland, not political pressure from other EU countries.

According to news there have been rumours that the IMF is being pressured by some EU nations to not process the loan until Iceland has agreed to the terms made by the UK and the Netherlands in regards to the Icesave accounts.

“I do not believe that the IMF will be used in such political way,” said Haarde. “And if true, you will need to tell me twice before I believe it“.

“We would rather cancel the IMF loan than be treated like that. Iceland needs help but we will not be black mailed.“

“The conflict between the UK and Iceland is unsolved and is one of the worst crisis between countries that Iceland has had to deal with in my memory and it’s really frustrating that the nation has been put into this hardship because of the actions of a private company,“ said the prime minister. “There is a big gap between the two countries in regards of how much accountability Iceland should be taking on in this case.“

When asked about the funds put into the Icesave accounts this week by the UK government and the announcement of Alistair Darling that UK had loaned Iceland money, the Icelandic prime minister said: “Iceland has not agreed to any loans and will not under these conditions. We will need to have a mutual agreement on it or solve it through the EU judicial system”.

“We have been a member of the IMF for some 63 years and have the same rights as other nations to be heard and dealt with in a just manner.”

“If we do not get the loan from the IMF Iceland will not be bankrupt, Iceland has always paid its debts and will keep on doing so,” he said.

Belles et males paroles: nous ne demandons rien d'autre!
Mister Prime Minister: your last sentence leaves little room for interpretation: we consider it as a firm commitment; no honest man can renege on it, however much you twist or turn it. We expect you to be true to your word:nothing more but nothing less!
Should you not respect your given word, regardless of the reasons, only one outcome can be considered:your resignation.


Nombre de messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2008

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2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes) Empty Re: 2008-11-07 :: :: Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumours (l'Islande payera ses dettes)

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