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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

3 participants

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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

Message  VikingRaider Dim 26 Oct - 22:48

Bonjour mes amie Belgiques, comment ca va?. Je suis un victime de la banque Kaupthing Singer et Friedlander Isle of Man (KSFIoM). Je ne recerde pas comment parler le francais, mais nous avons problemes communes. Il y a une direccion de la web ou est les depositeurs de KSFIoM sont tres actifs. Nous pouvons parler de problemes comunes -- Adieux.


Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2008

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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Re: Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

Message  Invité Dim 26 Oct - 22:53

VikingRaider a écrit:Bonjour mes amie Belgiques, comment ca va?. Je suis un victime de la banque Kaupthing Singer et Friedlander Isle of Man (KSFIoM). Je ne recerde pas comment parler le francais, mais nous avons problemes communes. Il y a une direccion de la web ou est les depositeurs de KSFIoM sont tres actifs. Nous pouvons parler de problemes comunes -- Adieux.

Hello from Belgium to the Isle of Man. Perhaps you would prefer to speak in English ? Some of us could translate your messages if you want us to do so.

Il will have a look on your link and post the related interesting information here in French. Thanks and feel free to come back when you want.


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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Clients Kaupthing-KSFIoM

Message  VikingRaider Dim 26 Oct - 23:16

Boujour -- and thankyou for the reply. I have informed the KSFIoM administrator of Clients Kaupthing and hope we can establish a contact Group, learn from and help one another.
Best wishes,


Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2008

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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Re: Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

Message  Invité Dim 26 Oct - 23:18

VikingRaider a écrit:Boujour -- and thankyou for the reply. I have informed the KSFIoM administrator of Clients Kaupthing and hope we can establish a contact Group, learn from and help one another.
Best wishes,

I just registered myself to your forum, and posted one "hello" message, with a link to the present forum.

As I said over there, I hope that our joined efforts will lead to a prompt solution for everyone.

If you have news, or ideas, just drop in here and leave a message. I will do the same if we have something interesting that might be important to your forum.

All the best Smile


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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty A questions to you, VikingRaider (you could help us...)

Message  O.L. Lun 27 Oct - 0:16

VikingRaider a écrit:Boujour -- and thankyou for the reply. I have informed the KSFIoM administrator of Clients Kaupthing and hope we can establish a contact Group, learn from and help one another.
Best wishes,

Hello VikingRaider,

I have just a question for you. Can you confirm that the Manx government is trying to "increase" the minimum guarantee to prevent a crisis of confidence among depositors ? Do they do a lot to help savers ?
I'm asking you that question as the Belgian Kaupthing savers have a real problem with the government of Luxembourg (the country where is located the Kaupthing branch for Belgian customer). Before the collapse of Kaupthing, they "politically" promised a guarantee up 50.000 EUR (actually till 100.000 EUR). But they are now playing with "the law" (the law had'nt been passed when Kauphting collapsed) to limit their help in case of official bankrupt to 20.000 EUR. Luxembourg is a important financial place but it looks that the Belgian Kaupthing savers are not very valuable customers for them : we are not many (10 or 20.000) and we don't vote in Luxembourg.
You could help us by showing that other states can make every effort to help the "foreign" custormers.

Best Regards,



Nombre de messages : 14
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2008

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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Re: Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

Message  Invité Lun 27 Oct - 0:48

Olivier, puisque vous maîtrisez si bien l'anglais, pourquoi n'allez vous pas sur le forum cité par notre ami de l'Ile de Man ? Je vous avoue ne pas m'y être très bien retrouvée, mais je n'y suis allée qu'une fois, et je n'y suis pas restée longtemps .. je suis fatiguée il faut dire.

Si vous posez votre question là-bas, vous aurez plus de chance qu'attendre ici un retour de notre ami ManX.

J'attire aussi votre attention sur certains articles de presse que j'ai postés aujourd'hui, en langue anglaise, peut-être y trouverez-vous des pistes de réponses à vos questions.


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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Re: Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

Message  Invité Lun 27 Oct - 11:25

@ VikingRaider : impossible to join your forum today

Just for info, I intended to paste the following news.

2008-10-27 00h01 :: :: Kaupthing Offshore Investors Will Sue to Regain Cash, Times Says

Kaupthing Offshore Investors Will Sue to Regain Cash, Times Says

Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander, a unit of Iceland's failed Kaupthing Bank HF, faces the prospect of a lawsuit by 8,000 depositors to obtain their money, the London-based Times reported.

An action group representing the investors, who have 800 million pounds ($1.3 billion) in offshore accounts at the bank's Isle of Man offshoot, told the newspaper the U.K. government might also be sued.

The investors feel the government has ignored them while assuring onshore retail depositors that their savings will be protected, the Times added.


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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Isle of Man Compensation Scheme Background

Message  VikingRaider Lun 27 Oct - 12:01

The Isle of Man depositors' compensation scheme (DCS) was launched in 1991 but failed miserably at its first test. The DCS aimed to pay 75 percent of the first £15,000 per depositor per bank, but following the 1994 BCCI collapse, compensation took a decade to repay. A remedy for this was taken by British building societies which, recognising that Britons working abroad found it almost impossible to open new accounts within the United Kingdom, established Isle of Man subsidiaries guaranteeing depositors' savings 100 percent.

Last year, however, Kaupthing hf of Iceland, which had already purchased Singer and Friedlander Bank, bought out Derbyshire Offshore, the Isle of Man subsidiary of Derbyshire Building Society. Kaupthing hf of Iceland adopted unaltered Derbyshire's 'parental guarantee' of 100 percent of depositors' funds, then some £360m.

The new Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd (KSFIoM) expanded rapidly, its deposits totalling close to £900m when the spat between London and Reykjavik erupted. Earlier in the year, however, the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission had requested overnight deposits be sent to KSF UK rather than Kaupthing hf, indicating that all was not well in Iceland. When London froze KSF UK's funds, it also froze approximateley £590m of KSFIoM depositors' funds, while £160m was in Iceland and £103m in the Isle of Man. The newly-nationalised Kaupthing hf disowned its 100 percent guarantee to KSFIoM depositors and dismissed the EEA compensation of £16,000 as irrelevant.

In an emergency session, the Isle of Man parliament amended the compensation scheme to pay 100 percent of up to £50,000 and voted to borrow £150m to ensure speedy compensation of KSFIoM depositors if required. However, as KSFIoM's banking licence is only suspended while a new owner is sought, the DCS has not yet been activated.


Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2008

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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Re: Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

Message  Invité Lun 27 Oct - 16:51

VikingRaider a écrit:The Isle of Man depositors' compensation scheme (DCS) was launched in 1991 but failed miserably at its first test. The DCS aimed to pay 75 percent of the first £15,000 per depositor per bank, but following the 1994 BCCI collapse, compensation took a decade to repay. A remedy for this was taken by British building societies which, recognising that Britons working abroad found it almost impossible to open new accounts within the United Kingdom, established Isle of Man subsidiaries guaranteeing depositors' savings 100 percent.

Last year, however, Kaupthing hf of Iceland, which had already purchased Singer and Friedlander Bank, bought out Derbyshire Offshore, the Isle of Man subsidiary of Derbyshire Building Society. Kaupthing hf of Iceland adopted unaltered Derbyshire's 'parental guarantee' of 100 percent of depositors' funds, then some £360m.

The new Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander (Isle of Man) Ltd (KSFIoM) expanded rapidly, its deposits totalling close to £900m when the spat between London and Reykjavik erupted. Earlier in the year, however, the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission had requested overnight deposits be sent to KSF UK rather than Kaupthing hf, indicating that all was not well in Iceland. When London froze KSF UK's funds, it also froze approximateley £590m of KSFIoM depositors' funds, while £160m was in Iceland and £103m in the Isle of Man. The newly-nationalised Kaupthing hf disowned its 100 percent guarantee to KSFIoM depositors and dismissed the EEA compensation of £16,000 as irrelevant.

In an emergency session, the Isle of Man parliament amended the compensation scheme to pay 100 percent of up to £50,000 and voted to borrow £150m to ensure speedy compensation of KSFIoM depositors if required. However, as KSFIoM's banking licence is only suspended while a new owner is sought, the DCS has not yet been activated.

As a result, I can see that you are not out of trouble indeed. BUT, at least, your Parliament positively acted. Let's hope that a new owner of KSFIoM will be promptly found. This would allow the depositors a fast recovery of their amounts. Good luck ! Crossing fingers here for your there.


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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Re: Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

Message  Kaupthingcustomer10000 Mar 28 Oct - 2:02

J'ai regardé quelque peu les montants perdus par les clients !
Cela donne froid dans le dos !
C'est incroyable que l'Islande ait pu écumer ainsi toutes les nations d'Europe ou du monde entier !!!


Nombre de messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2008

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Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man Empty Re: Bonjour et salud pour L'Isle de Man

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