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Important: Communiqué du gouvernement Islandais concernant Kaupthing

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Important: Communiqué du gouvernement Islandais concernant Kaupthing Empty Important: Communiqué du gouvernement Islandais concernant Kaupthing

Message  Pardis Mer 22 Oct - 13:10

Kaupthing change de nom: New Kaupthing bank, Dernier Press release

2008.10.22, 11:40
New Kaupthing Bank Takes Over Domestic Operations of Kaupthing banki hf.
- The new bank takes over Kaupthing's domestic assets to ensure provision of normal banking services and the safety of deposits in Iceland.
- Kaupthing's international operations are separated.
- All Kaupthing's domestic braches, call centres, ATM's and internet banking will be open for business as usual.
On 9 October 2008 the Financial Supervisory Authority, Iceland (FME) used powers granted by the Icelandic Parliament with reference to Article 100 of Act. No. 161/2002, as amended, to take control of Kaupthing banki hf.
The FME has now decided to transfer a part of Kaupthing's operations to a new bank that has been formed and is fully owned by the Icelandic Government. The decision ensures continued banking operations for Icelandic families and businesses.

The decision means, inter alia, that the new bank takes over all the bank's deposits in Iceland, and also the bulk of the bank's assets that relate to its Icelandic operations, such as loans and other claims.
An independent evaluation of the value of assets and liabilities, together with a final settlement will be made within the next 90 days. The new bank's equity will be ISK 75bn. and the size of the balance sheet will be around ISK 700bn.

Finnur Sveinbjörnsson has been appointed as Chief Executive of the new bank. The new bank's formal name will be New Kaupthing Bank hf.
The decision is only available in Icelandic now but is being translated and should be available later today.

For further information please contact Jonas Sigurgeirsson, tel: +354 444 6112.



Nombre de messages : 61
Date d'inscription : 11/10/2008

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Important: Communiqué du gouvernement Islandais concernant Kaupthing Empty Re : Important: Communiqué du gouvernement Islandais concernant Kaupthing

Message  Marc Mer 22 Oct - 13:17

Et si c'était ça (la séparation des activités islandaises des activités internationales) qu'évoquait la réponse d'Y. Leterme hier : "Nous attendons une initiative rapide des autorités prudentielles islandaises et de la direction de Kaupthing Bank Luxembourg" ?


Nombre de messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2008

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Important: Communiqué du gouvernement Islandais concernant Kaupthing Empty Re : Important: Communiqué du gouvernement Islandais concernant Kaupthing

Message  Marc Mer 22 Oct - 13:19

Sans parler de la réponse officielle de l'Islande au FMI attendue pour aujourd'hui, voire demain.
Tout est vraiment lié !


Nombre de messages : 92
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2008

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