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Communiqués site de Kauphing 13/11/208 18h30

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Communiqués site de Kauphing 13/11/208 18h30 Empty Communiqués site de Kauphing 13/11/208 18h30

Message  Jay Ven 14 Nov - 11:37

Kaupthing working on resolving Kaupthing EDGE issues in Germany

Kaupthing's Resolution Committee has in recent weeks worked on an agreement with the German government on paying deposits back to customers of Kaupthing EDGE in Germany, and it is hoped that payments can be made within the next few days or weeks. Representatives of Kaupthing's Resolution Committee will meet with representatives of the German Ministry of Finance and the German Financial Supervisory Authority regarding this matter next week.


Nombre de messages : 253
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2008

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Communiqués site de Kauphing 13/11/208 18h30 Empty Re: Communiqués site de Kauphing 13/11/208 18h30

Message  Jay Ven 14 Nov - 11:40

Kaupthing Bank hf. requests delisting

The resolution committee of Kaupthing Bank hf. has sent a request to the OMX Nordic Exchange in Iceland that the company's shares be removed from trading in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 2, of Act no. 110/2007 on Stock Exchanges.

The request is made on the basis of a letter from the board of directors of Kaupthing Bank hf. to the Icelandic Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) dated 8 October 2008 in which the board of directors tendered its resignation and requested that the FME take control of the bank in accordance with Act no. 125/2008 on the Authority for Treasury Disbursements due to Unusual Financial Market Circumstances.


Nombre de messages : 253
Date d'inscription : 10/10/2008

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