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2008-11-15 :: :: Large turnout for Reykjavik protests

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2008-11-15 :: :: Large turnout for Reykjavik protests Empty 2008-11-15 :: :: Large turnout for Reykjavik protests

Message  Invité Sam 15 Nov - 22:04

Large turnout for Reykjavik protests

By Alex on Nov 15, 2008 in General, Iceland, MBL, Politics, Society

Cleaning Parliament afterwardsAccording to police, at least 6,000 people turned out to this afternoon’s protest in front of Parliament House (Alþingishúsið) in the Icelandic capital. It is therefore the biggest economic protest so far, with some two percent of the entire nation in attendance.

A variety of speakers took the stage to demand early elections and a change at the helm of the Central Bank, among other things.

The atmosphere was energetic and peaceful, with lots of young families also taking part. Many protesters had again made banners, and several carried EU flags.

During the rally, a large banner was unfurled from a nearby building, calling for the downfall of capitalism and a return to equality. The speaker onstage asked those responsible to show their faces; but although they didn’t, their sentiment drew a loud response.

When the rally finished, and the families filtered away, protesters gathered at the doors of parliament, shouting for new elections. Some threw eggs and toilet paper at the building, and a pile of rubbish was set on fire in the doorway.

Organisers pleaded for everyone to meet again in the same place at 15.00 next Saturday, and for every person to “bring an extra 50 people along with them”.


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